Our formula

Natural ingredients

Cosmetic products have an aesthetic and eutrophic function (or "good nourishment") against the skin, for this reason we have carefully studied the composition of our FORMULA:
  • Over 92% of the ingredients are of natural origin. The main functional assets derive from organic farming and certified crops: extracts, essential oils and natural butters;
  • All formulas are dermatologically tested;
  • 100% Made in Italy; All products are certified VEGAN OK: no element used for the realization of the products and packaging is of animal origin or involves the killing, detention or exploitation of animals for its production. Our intention is to spread a culture of respect for life and the environment;
  • Use of informed water in the composition of formulas.

The butter of Karitè a valuable ingredient

We have chosen to use Shea Butter as the main ingredient because it is the element that penetrates most in our epidermis, being the best fat-soluble ingredient, that is, with the highest absorption capacity. Shea butter is composed of a mixture of fatty substances obtained from the seeds of Vitellaria paradoxa, a tree belonging to the Sapotaceae family. This plant, which grows in the arid and endless landscapes of the sub-Saharan savannah, is also known as the "tree of youth", thanks to its extraordinary regenerating properties.

The informed water

Water, an element that changes state easily, is the bearer of life and is the greatest wealth on the planet. It can be informed and that is made carrier of information that in contact with the body, stimulate cellular metabolic activity.

The energy of crystals and precious stones

To inform the water we used crystals and precious stones, because they are known from time immemorial and in different cultures the therapeutic properties and their action on an emotional, psychological, physical and spiritual level. Each stone has an energetic power and for this reason to each cream we have associated the stone with characteristics and functions more similar to it.